Friday, January 28, 2005


please dun take me for granted..silence doesn't mean tolerance level is only that high..i am near the limit already.. but..none of you sense my sadness and your eyes..i seem to be one who is easily irritated,petty and stingy..oh ya..i am not a spendthrift though i like to shop..but i am not stingy..i spend only when necessary..and for now..i am on tight budget due to the delayed you really think that i dun feel like buying things for ual? can you understand my situation now? i need to think twice before buying something..just wait..wait till i get my pay..can you stop demanding so much? i will do what i promised..i will..i will.. all i need is a bit more time.idiotic pay is all i can blame..i really think you dun understand me and guess this is the bothering black face means anger..that is what you see and think.. you have never try to think why that anger is present.. can you be fairer to me?your treatment towards them and me.. maybe you can say that i am jealous..i think i is your actions that make me jealous..i know i have always been a very independent person..but that doesn't give you the excuse to show less concern for me..people who are independent also requires care and concern from others and a shoulder to lean on sometimes..they get tired too please..they have emotions less..but even i am super unhappy..maybe i am harbing too much on it..but i can't help care less for me..but demand more from me.. what's this?i know you wun see wun feel my sadness..all you see is a spoilt brat throwing you black face..whatever.

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