Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Photos photos..
Went around taking pictures for my 114 presentation just now. Thought it would be kind of awkward and difficult.. but i was really lucky to have two great frens' help such the photo taking process turned out to be kind of fun.. haha.. It seems a little ironic as i have never appreciated p.m as much as i did just now..As i looked and tried to think of what kind of pics to take, i start to see more at the p.m. As the years passed by, my idea of p.m changed from a place with nice food to one that sells pirated cds and till yesterday..a place with nothing more than just snacks and civilians clothes. But after today's examination of the different kinds of food, my impression of it starts to change once a again.. Now, there is a greater sense of appreciation present.. haa.. i am not eliminating the possibility that this appreciation stems from the need to make sense of my presentation.. haha..

The week flew by like nobody's business.. was kind of glad that the event was over.. and is even happier and looking forward to the post event dinner from zu er.. haha..though i am not a glutton like what he calls us to be.. a treat is always something worth looking to.. =P

Final Destination 3 & Capote
2 very different shows that left thoughts as well as fear lingering...

A plan to organise my activities for the next 2 weeks throw me into a state of panick and fear that i am going to miss my bed once more.. two projects to be settled and done. Readings and films to be read/viewed and digested for my test(50% of total) next presentation slides and preparation for in class assignment.. individual writeup as well as to start touching my text for my coming finals.. saddening thought! ah.. i need my 48 hours a day once more~

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